Friday, August 5, 2011

What the world eats

I thought that the Revis family of North Carolina and the Aboubakar family of Breidjing camp is very different, so I'd like to compare that two families-Revis family and the Aboubakar family.

First, the Revis family in the picture eats something like pizza, "Lays", French fries, and some other kinds of food. Also, they have some drinks. However, the Aboubakar family of Breidjing camp is very different from them. They eat water(no drinks), and they doesn't eat some kind of foods like pizza, french fries... kind or that. The Aboubakar family eats something like grains. So it means their food style is very different. Also, Revis family's favorite food is spaghetti, potatoes, and sesame chicken. Compared to Revis family's favorite food, Aboubakar family's favorite food is soup with fresh sheep meat.

Second, the Revis family has many kinds of foods. They has more than ten kinds of foods and drinks. However, compared to the Revis family, the Aboubakar family has only 4~5 kinds of foods.

And finally, the Revis family spend $341.98 one week for the food. On the other hand, the Aboubakar family of Breidjing camp spend only 685 CFA Francs or $1.23 one week for the food. So it means their money for the food is very different.,29307,1626519_1373680,00.html,29307,1626519_1373695,00.html

Fun Post: About my favorite book!

My favorite book is "Bridge to Terabithia". I like this book because it was the most interesting book I have ever read.
In this book, the main characters are Jessie and Leslie. Leslie came to Jessie's town ond day.Soon they became friends. Every day, they went to a magic world "Terabithia" which Leslie made. They pretended that they are the king and the queen of the world Terabithia.
But one day , Leslie dies while she is going to Terabithia. Leslie drowned and die because it was raining. Jessie was sad but he soon became happy again because he believes that Leslie is still alive in Terabithia.
This book is also used to make a movie. I also saw the movie and it was very fun.
This book made me sad while I read the part Leslie dies, but I enjoyed Jessie and Leslie playing in the magical world Terabithia. Whild Jessie plays with Leslie, he changed. I enjoyed that thing on the book.
For conclusion, I strongly recommend this book for everyone. I guess everyone will enjoy it. It's very fun!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chain writing

There was a very rich and kind queen in Alaska. One day, she was in danger because the other land's king wanted to attak Alaska. The other land's soldiers were very strong, but Alaska queen's soldiers were weak and too generous. She was smart, so she had a great strategy. Soldiers were very surprised with her nice strategy. However, when they went to the war, they lose because it was found that the Alaska queen was stupid. However, the enemy country's king was stupid too. So they started rock-sissor-paper. They were too stupid so they did it forever and they became ice. After the day that they became ice, the sun came out and the ice melted. The other land's soldiers fell from pieces of ice, and they fell in the cold water and became ice. That day Axel and Lee was fighting in a small ant's house(They are ants). They started to gain special powers. The power was invisiblity. After they gained the special power perfectly, they went to fight to the war between the Alaska queen and the enemy king, but no oe was on the war. They used their power stupidly like he king and the queen. However, there was a big dynamite in the middle and everyone dissappeared peacefully. THE END~

Compare&Contrast three different camps

There are three different camps which are Camp Big Apple, Ranch West Camp and Head Start Splash. The three camps is very different. However, they has some similarities. The first similarity is that all the three camps is all the camp related with learning English or related with just English. And the second similarity is all the three camps has students from many countries around the world.

On the other hand, they have many differneces. First, Camp Big Apple is kind of a camp to study English very hard. Compared to Camp Big Apple, Ranch West Camp is sometimes studying very hard, but also it has some outside activities. And contrasted with Camp Big Apple, Head Start Splsh camp is not just studying camp. Littl similar to Ranch West camp, it has many outdoor activities. It includes many outdoor activities.

Second, Camp Big Apple is 3 weeks long and it is intensive. So Camp Big Apple is kind of a intensive and short camp. In contrast, Ranch West camp are 4 weeks long so it has perfect length. In contrast, Head Start Splash camp is kind of long camp, because it is 5 weeks long.

Third, Camp Big Apple students has to live in dormitory during the camp. On the other hand, Ranch West camp students can be in a home-stay situation and Head Start Splash camp students will be provided wit a small apartment for the student and at least 1 parents for them.

Fourth, Camp Big Apple teachers are Korean professors with at least a Masters degree. Some students might speak Korean in Camp Big Apple because Korean professors teaches all the classes there. In comparison Ranch West Camp classes are thaught by recent graduates from the local university so they might have no teaching experiences. In contrast, Head Start Splash camp classes are thaught by local teachers with Bachelor's degrees, and certificates to teach English as a second language.

And Finally, Camp Big Apple studies about important language tests and vocabulary. However, contrasted with Camp Big Apple, Ranch West Camp believes that students will learn English best when they are doing something what interests them, so students are able to choose a subject which they would like to study. In contrast, Head Start Splash camp students study a condensed version of the material used during one smester in International School. Their goal is to teach English as a second

In writing class, I had to choose only one camp so I chose the Head Start Splash camp when I finished comparing the three camps. I chose the Head Start Splash camo because I thought learning in international school will fit with me because I have to speak English all the time in international school. But when I go to Camp Big Apple, students might speak Korean because Korean professor teaches them.

Also, I thought the Head Start Splash camo is the most better camp among the three camps. The second reason is that I don't get homesick in Head Start Splash camp because I can stay in small apartment with my parents.